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Also Samsung Galaxy A21 with 4 cameras shows itself

After seeing the unannounced Samsung Galaxy A11 and A41 pass by earlier, it is now the turn of the A21. And it is again AndroidHeadlines that takes the credit.

The Samsung Galaxy A21 promises to be a relatively simple phone with four cameras on the back. At the front is an Infinity-O screen with an as yet unknown screen diagonal. After years of placing the screen hole on the right, Samsung now moves it to the left corner as well.

Samsung Galaxy A21
Samsung's Galaxy A21

In the camera area, Samsung has added a little bit more and places no less than 4 different cameras. The source does not have specifications on this, but it is safe to assume that it is at least a main camera, wide-angle lens, zoom and depth camera. But don't pin us on it. Furthermore, the double LED flash can provide light in dark conditions. What we see further back is a fingerprint scanner. The future Galaxy A11 will also be there. More expensive Samsung's have the fingerprint scanner in the screen.

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Specifications Galaxy A21

There are a lot of Galaxy A phones leaking out lately. We therefore assume that Samsung will soon be announcing a load of new models. The Galaxy A Series was refurbished in 2019 and currently consists of models with large batteries, many cameras and modern screens. And although we don't have specifications of this A21 yet, we assume that it has 4 cameras, a modern Infinity O-Display and a large battery.

