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Microsoft gives expensive notebook to Windows Phone Challenge winner after all

The Windows Phone Challenge, a marketing campaign, allows smartphone owners to show that their handset is faster than a phone with Windows Phone. If it does, they win a notebook.

The exact challenge is made up by employees of the store. Sahas Katta, an American blogger, was standing in line for battle, and won. The assignment was: show the weather in two American cities as soon as possible. Katta just happend to have two widgets on the homescreen of his Galaxy Nexus, and was faster than the employee with the Windows Phone.

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Katta got nothing. Store employees came up with all kinds of excuses why he wouldn’t have won. He wrote an article on his blog about his experiences. Ben Rudolph, the Windows Phone man who invented the challenge, first offered Katta a rematch on Twitter. As more blogs picked up the story, Microsoft gave Katta his price and a new phone.

Bron: Theverge.com, Skattertech.com
