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Sony announces Xperia sola with Floating Touch

The launch of the Xperia sola comes faster than expected. Only weeks ago, Sony announced the Xperia U and P during the Mobile World Congress. The phone has a 3.7 inch screen.

What makes the Xperia sola truly unique is the "floating touch" technology. This makes its possible to surf the Internet by hoovering a finger over the screen to use it as a a cursor. There are also more familiar Sony techniques in the sola such as xLOUD acoustics, Mobile BRAVIA engine for sharp images and access to the Sony Entertainment Network.

Sony Xperia sola
Sony Xperia sola

The Xperia sola is in the second quarter in the store and is available in black, white and red.The suggested retail price is 319 euro. The Xperia sola will be available with Android Gingberbread at launch but Sony promises an update to Ice Cream Sandwich.
