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TechRadar: OnePlus 8 series coming mid-April

According to sources close to TechRadar, OnePlus will launch the new OnePlus 8 series consisting of a regular 8, an 8 Pro and an 8 Lite in the second week of April. Although they write that this is sooner than expected it is exactly half a year after the introduction of the 7T series. Exactly on time and on schedule.

Of the OnePlus 7T series, another regular 7T, a 7T Pro and a 7T Pro McLaren Edition were released. This year we are also taking into account 3 different models but a 8 Lite. Never before has OnePlus released a Lite model; that was not necessary either. The company has just become known as a price fighter.

OnePlus 8 Pro
The alleged OnePlus 8 Pro

But now that her models have become more and more expensive over the years, there is room for a simpler and, above all, cheaper model. Whether it will indeed release a Lite version remains to be seen. In the world of telephony, nothing is certain until it is announced and in the shops.

Specifications OnePlus 8 series

Much of the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro has already leaked out. That way we know what they are going to look like, how big they are going to be and what specifications they will get. So it seems that the OnePlus 8 is the first OnePlus phones with an official waterproof housing. An IP rating was lacking in previous years. Also sounds wireless charging in the corridors. A higher refresh rate of 120Hz has already been officially announced by OnePlus and 5G support also seems a good candidate.

Source: TechRadar.
Image: @onleaks
