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Rumours about Microsoft phone emerge again

There they are again; rumours about a Microsoft phone. Project Pink would concise of two phones; the Pure and the Turtle. We have found an image of the Pure and information on the whole project.

Microsoft denies working on its own phone. She is allowed to say that, as the manufacturer of the Turtle and Pure is Sharp. More interesting is that both phones don't run on the new Windows Mobile 7 Series neither an older version of Windows Mobile.

Microsoft Pure Phone
Microsoft's Pure Phone

No, it seems that both devices will replace the tainted Sidekick-series. According to the source the interface it has similarities to Windows Mobile 7 Series, but it's not.

Microsoft Pure Phone

US only?

According to Gizmodo the Pure and Turtle will be available by the end of April through the American Verizon. The Netherlands are ruled out thanks to the CDMA-technique. Both devices are strongly aimed at social networks, hence they don't lack the necessary integration.

Source: Gizmodo.com
