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MWC 2009: Manufacturers of mobile phones agree on charging standard

A while ago the European Commission asked for a universal charger. Several manufacturers of mobile phones have agreed on a charging standard; the micro USB.

At least, this is what the GSMA, the branche organisation of manufactures of mobile phones, is indicating. 17 manufacturers have agreed upon the standard; from 2012 almost all phones will have the so-called UCS, Universal Charging Solution. Among these manufacturers are Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG and Motorola.

MWC 2009: Telefoonfabrikanten omarmen micro USB als standaard
Micro next to the mini USB

European Commission
Some weeks ago the European Commission had a request for a universal charging. It seems that the UCS has become the standard without any political difficulties. The reason for a universal standard is not just the comfort and ease for the consumer, you will never have the inconvenience of having a charger that is incompatible with your new phone, but also the environment will benefit.
