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Essential of Android creator stops, project GEM shut down

Android founder's Essential company and sexually abused Andy Rubin is quitting. This automatically means that the narrow Project GEM will never be released. Current customers of the Essential PH1 Phone are also duped; they no longer receive updates.

Essential has always been a somewhat crazy company. It was founded by Andy Rubin with the millions he got from Google after he had to quit after reports of sexual abuse. It came to the Essential Phone that brought us the notch first. It remained silent for a long time after that. Recently, the company showed Project GEM; a narrow device that acts as a bridge between mobile phone and other gadgets. It won't come to a launch, the company's out of money.

Essential Project Gem

In a statement Essential now announces to throw in the towel once and for all. The Gem will not be released and security updates for the Essential Phone will not be released. Customers no longer have to count on support either. Too bad because it was one of the few (partly) modular phones still available. However, the PH-1 was never a great success; really many copies were not sold. It did inspire many other Android manufacturers. The notch is now commonplace. Thank you for that.
