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MWC 2010: HTC launches a compacte version of the HD2

As we predicted yesterday HTC just officially announced the HTC HD Mini, the little brother of the HD2 and therefore ultimately suitable for those who find the HD2 too big.

It concerns a Windows Phone including HTC's own Sense interface to bring you an impressive experience housed in a compact design. Thanks to HTC Sense the use of the HD mini will be easy because of the underlying philosophy; 'Make it Mine', 'Stay Close' and 'Discover the Unexepected'.

HTC HD mini
HTC HD mini

Innerlijk en uiterlijk

In spite of the term 'mini' the HD mini has a 3.2 inch capacitive touchscreen which also supports for multitouch. This way it's possible to zoom into several applications by using multiple fingers. A 5 megapixel camera compliments the device.

HTC HD mini back
Gele binnenkant van de HD mini

Strangely enough HTC thought of styling the inside of the device as well: it's bright yellow. The meaning slightly flees us, but indicates that HTC has paid very much attention to the appearance of the HTC HD mini.

Beschikbaarheid en prijs

We may expect the HTC HD mini as of Q2 of this year. The mini will cost around 400 EURO. In combination with a subscription it will be much cheaper.
