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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra has most scratch-resistant glass ever

“Scratches at level 7, with deeper grooves at level 8”

Who doesn't know Zach from JerryRigEverything? He tests phones on things like durability, and he's not gentle. This time, he tried the Galaxy S24 Ultra, the first phone with Gorilla Glass Armour. And the results do not disappoint.

During the unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, Corning, the maker of Gorilla Glass, said the new Armour glass was more scratch-resistant than previous generations. And until Zach brings out his scratch pens, we won't know how much more scratch-resistant. Join us when he speaks the ikonic words for the first time; "Scratches at level 7, with deeper grooves at level 8."

For years, the first scratches started at level 6 on the Mohs Hardness Scale. That level resembles a steel nail, while keys don't scratch until level 4. Glass that's beginning to scratch at level 7 means you can enjoy a scratch-free screen for a longer time. A new era has arrived.

Durability test

Not only the screen of the S24 Ultra is put to the test. Also, the rest of the device is covered (at length). And in case you haven't watched the video all the way thru, it passes the test with flying colours. This means the new Ultra won't let you down anytime soon.
