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MWC 2010: HTC HD Mini "leaked" before the official announcement?

Tuesday will have to be the day of HTC, here in Barcelona at the yearly MWC event. But now it appears that all information has leaked before starting. May we welcome the HTC HD Mini tomorrow?

Apparently we can. Pressphotos of this new device have been 'leaked', which usually means one thing; an official announcement!

HTC HD Mini?

We would almost confuse this device with the new Smart, but this really concerns a Windows Phone. Version 6.5.3, not 7! Even the specs are better then those of the Smart; 3.2 inch HVGA resolution capacitive touchscreen (against the 4.3 inch of the HD2), WiFi, GPS, 5 megapixel camera and a 600 MHz processor.

We will keep you updated on the HTC nieuws from Barcelona, so "stay tuned"!

Source: Modaco.com
