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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra proves easy to repair

We would cherish a new mobile phone for as long as possible. While others take it apart right away. People like PBKreviews. And they came to a remarkable conclusion with the S24 Ultra.

You can bet that right after getting a new Galaxy phone, one person will drop it on video, yet another will see if it fits in the blender, and another will unscrew it immediately. The good folks over at PBKreviews fall into the latter category. They took a heat gun in one hand, the screwdriver in the other, and did what most of us wouldn't dare.

Those who dare can see in the video above how a S24 Ultra is systematically taken apart.

Repairing S24 Ultra

For this, you will need a sim eject tool, a heat gun, and a pick; you need to remove 17 Phillips screws, and voila: you're in! After this, you can easily disconnect the various flex cables for the antenna and battery, after which the speaker and vibration motor come off. Only the cameras are glued, which becomes more challenging to replace but is not impossible.

Repair yourself

The device looks pretty modular. And with that, PBKreviews concludes that repairing the Galaxy S24 Ultra is a piece of cake. And for those who are handy, it is perfectly doable by yourself. With this, replacing a battery or component is closer than ever.

PBKreviews scores the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra a 9 out of 10 on repairability
PBKreviews gives the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra a 9 on repairability

Those who do not dare to do so can always bring in their Samsung S24 Ultra at a certified repair shop. Or, of course, you can try a local store around the corner if you don't care about things like warranty.
