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MWC 2009: Sony Ericsson Idou combines Cybershot Walkman and more

Tonight Sony Ericsson has announced that it is going to introduce a 12 megapixel phone the second half of this year; idou. This iPhone look-a-like device is what we were waiting for.

Specs are not yet known, but we do know that the device is going to have a 12 megapixel camera and that it runs under Symbian Foundation operating system. It also has a 3.5 inch touchscreen. The first images:

MWC 2009: Sony Ericsson ildou combineert Cybershot met Walkman en meerMWC 2009: Sony Ericsson ildou combineert Cybershot met Walkman en meerMWC 2009: Sony Ericsson idou combineert Cybershot met Walkman en meer
The Sony Ericsson idou in 'real' life'
MWC 2009: Sony Ericsson Idou combineert Cybershot Walkman en meerMWC 2009: Sony Ericsson Idou combineert Cybershot Walkman en meer
Press images of the Sony Ericsson idou

For now the device can only be called by its product name; Idou. Its official name will probably be announced soon. Stay tuned at NewMobile.com for the latest news.
