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Mock-up shows basically unchanged Apple iPhone 16

Take a first look at Apple's upcoming iPhone 16. Someone has been kind enough to CNC mill a sample out of an aluminium block; this shows very little difference from the current iPhone 15.

If you were counting on an all-new iPhone 16, expect to be disappointed. It looks like Apple only rearranged the cameras and placed them below each other. Other than that, to the eye, there are no differences. Never change a winning team, but even for Apple standards, this looks rather lazy.

CNC mock-up of iPhone 16
Milled mock-up of the iPhone 16

At the time of writing, it will be as much as nine months before Apple announces the iPhone 16 and corresponding Pro and Max. However, the design is likely final by now. Apple has been releasing very minimal updates for years, so no surprises there.

Spatial video

The rearrangement of the cameras helps to take Spatial videos for the Vision Pro. Currently, this is only possible with the iPhone 15 Pro and Max. The iPhone 12 also had the cameras on top of each other, something that changed to diagonal from the iPhone 13 onward.

iPhone 15 front side with Dynamic Island
iPhone 16 front side is the same as iPhone 15 with Dynamic Island

Those curious about the front side of the iPhone 16 can take a look at the iPhone 15. Apple reportedly has no intention of making any differences there. Unfortunately, the same goes for the maximum screen refresh rate of 60 Hz. With this, Apple is starting to get vastly out of step with the rest of the industry.

