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High-end LG music phone in the making?

LG is going to focus on the Music Phones this year. At least, if we have to believe the latest rumours.

LG has a separate serie for music phones; KMxxx. This serie contains among others the already available KM500, the expected KM385 and the KM710 "Mark Levinson". This device was spotted at the MWC last year, but is not available in the entire world.

High-end LG music phone in de maak?
Mockup of the LG KM900

This time we've heard some things about the KM900, a new music phone with some great features. We conclude this from the User Agend Profile LG leaked out. A 16-bits display with a resolution of 240 x 400 pixels, WiFi and of course Bluetooth. Because thusfar we only have a text file for our information this is all we know. The gentlemen of Unwired View have their own creative thoughts and show the following mock-up.

Even more devices
We also conclude from the same User Profile that we can expect even more devices; the GT505, GT500, KP175, GT365, GT810H. When we know more about these devices we will of course let you know!

Source: Unwired View
