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OnePlus reveals design of the OnePlus 10 Pro

OnePlus is busy preparing the launch of the OnePlus 10 Pro. The device is first expected to come out in China but eventually also the rest of the world will hear about this new flagship. Today the company releases its first official images.

The first thing you notice is the renewed camera at the back. This has been made in collaboration with Hasselblad and the camera island looks a bit like that of Samsung. Instead of using a corner, OnePlus uses a flap. The OnePlus 10 Pro will come out in the colours green and black, as shown by the image below.

OnePlus 10 Pro 5G
The OnePlus 10 Pro 5G with Hasselblad camera

The camera setup consists of 3 different cameras, presumably a main, ultra wide angle and a telephoto camera for optical zoom. We also see a cut-out in which "P2D 50T" can be read. What exactly is meant by this is still unclear. As with the OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro, Hasselblad has helped OnePlus out by creating the camera. With what exactly remains unknown for now.

OnePlus 10 Pro announcement

OnePlus plans to announce the OnePlus 10 Pro sometime in January, possibly first only in China. Whether it will then also announce the OnePlus 10 remains to be seen. That may be obvious but due to the uncertainties in the world, we don't dare make a bet on it.
