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CES 2010: LG GT540 with Android announced

LG has officially announced her second Android device during the CES; the LG GT540. Complete with an S-Class-like interface.

The LG GT540 is provided with Android version 2.0 and has been given an S-Class UI-like tweak. The device looks like a candybar with touchscreen and a hip white colour. The GT540 is especially strong social wise thanks to the standard support for Facebook, Twitter and Bebo. This is why it's not unthinkable that the LG GT540 will especially appeal to a young crowd.

LG GT540
LG GT540 mét Android

LG has not yet announced when the GT540 will be available, as well as the specs and the price of the device. LG's first Android device is the GW620 and was discovered by us.
