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CES 2010: Windows Mobile 6.5.3 in the picture

Windows Mobile 7 will be officially (we presume) announced during the yearly MWC, so in the meantime we have some time to look at the maintenance update of version 6.5. We found it at the CES.

Microsoft has chosen to launch version 6.5.3 quietly. Although, as expected that next month the long awaited version 7 is planned to be announced, it may be wise not to pay much attention to the launch o the much criticized version 6.

Version 6.5.3 takes of where 6.5 started; making the system 'fingerfriendly'. Buttons are larger and more logically placed. Whether it really has improved, that has yet to be experienced.

Windows Mobile 6.5.3
Windows Mobile 6.5.3

Another alteration can be found in the virtual keyboard. If you want numbers in stead of letters, all you need is to swipe, easy!. It has also become easier to quickly start an application by dragging the status bar at the top of the screen downwards. A quick menu will appear with applications to be started. It is quite comparable to Android.

Conclusion; Windows Mobile is getting more up to date / modern, which is very important now with the popularity of capacitive screens. The system is more 'finger friendly', but still does not appear very attractive. Something they could improve up in Redmond. Bet y'all that this is taken care of in Windows Mobile 7!!

Source: Wmexperts.com en PhoneScoop
