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Nokia will provide phones with free navigation software

Nokia has just punched a huge blow to the face of the navigationmarket by announcing that she will provide her smartphones with free navigation software. Not only car-navigation will be possible but also for pedestrians.

The software comes as the new Ovi Maps and will be free download via www.nokia.com/maps. The software offes turn-by-turn navigation to 74 countries in 46 different languages, including Dutch. For 10 countries even traffic information will be available.

Ovi Maps
Car + pedestrianmodus + weatherinfo

With this Nokia follows the steps of Google which provided the US Motorola Droid with free turn-by-turn navigation. Nokia however, takes it on more elaborately by providing more countries with navigation. It may be clear that the navigation competitors are not at all happy with Nokia's plan, which will put even more pressure on the margins. TomTom's share already went down with 10% on the Amsterdam stock exchange.

Lonely Planet and the Michelin guide

Ovi Maps is suitable for about 10 Nokia smartphones, of which the Nokia N97 mini en de E72. Nokia has provided Ovi Maps with Lonely PLanet and Michelin Guides.

Nokia will soon add more devices to the list of compatible phones which apply to the free navigation.
