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Samsung Corby family keeps on growing; new Corby Beat M3710 in the spotlight

Samsung's Corby family is battling a huge babyboom. This time the Corby-family is taking on a musical talent called the M3710 Corby Beat.

When in earlier days you asked for a Samsung Corby it was easy; you meant a Samsung S3650 Corby. Now that is much more difficult. Meanwhile the Corby famil consists of the regular Corby, the CorbyTXT and the Corby POP (also called the GenoA ). And now another child is born, the M3710 Corby Beatj, a musical 'Corby'.

Samsung M3710 Corby Beat

They were the people behind mobile@mail.ru who hussled a Corby Beat and treated us on some information. As it seems we are talking about a touchscreen-monoblock with a 2.8 inch QVGA screen, external music-operation, a 3.5 mm audio jack port and a 3 megapixel camera. Except for the 3G possibilities, the Corby Beat does have WiFi possibilities.

Samsung M3710 Corby Beat achterkant

Game Store

The regular visitor fo NewMobile knows that Samsung is busy with its own operating system named Bada. Part of this new OS is its own application store with a category for games. What else strikes us is that with the Corby Beat access is granted to this socalled Game Store.

The Samsung M3710 Corby Beat will presumably introduced somewhere in February for a little over 200 EURO. When the device will be available in Holland is not yet known.

Source: Mobile@mail.ru
