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Sony Ericsson Robyn versus Apple iPhone

Do you think the Apple iPhone is sexy but a bit too large? Consider the Sony Ericsson Robyn! No, it is not available yet, you can only look at it.....we mean, at the images we have available.

A big advantage of Android 2.1 is that more screenresolutions are supported. This is really good, otherwise Sony Ericsson would have had problems with the development of the Robyn. However not yet semi-officially confirmed, suspicions are that Sony Ericsson Robyn runs on Android.

Sony Ericsson Robyn vs Apple iPhone
Sony Ericsson 'Robyn' vs Apple iPhone

The source we received the images from could have clarified this, but unfortunately has no specs either. We'll have to wait some more. In the meantime, enjoy the images.

Sony Ericsson RobynSony Ericsson Robyn

Bron: Pointgphone.com


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