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Motorola has loads of new devices in store for 2010

Motorola's goal for 2010 is to make it a succesful year. They can't succeed without devices to make it a succes. This is why the American producer has got a lot in store for us.

Motorola Shadow

As for the Motorola Shadow. Images of this device appeared via Mobile01 and were worked on by our friends from Engadet to make them look like real images. The Shadow appears to be a 9 millimeter thick/lean Android smartphone with a 4.3 inch touchscreen (850 x 484 pixels resolution), HDMI port and an 8 megapixel camera which records in HD Video. Nice!

Motorola Shadow

Motorola Droid Devour / Calgary

The second device we may expect from the Americans will have to be a smaller version of the Droid. However, according to the first reports, it has no SIM cardslot...only for the American market?

Motorola Droid Devour Calgary

Apart from that, the Droid Devour is an Android smartphone with Motorola's own MOTOBLUR userinterface. The Droid Devour is provided with a sturdy 1.420 mAh battery and does GPS and WiFi.

Via: Engadget Mobile, Bron: Boygeniusreport.com
