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HTC calls competitors Apple and Samsung 'very strong'

Peter Chou, CEO of HTC, calls Apple and Samsung c very strong competitors. HTC has to fear from strong competition from these brands, as it recently has to give a profit warning.

Apple and Samsung are fighting the market right now with nuclear weapons, says Chou.He refers to a number of best-selling products from both brands. Apple is successful with the iPhone 4S, while Samsung sells many Galaxy S II’s sells. Sales of HTC meanwhile remain behind analysts' expectations.

Peter Chou van HTC
HTC's Peter Chou

The profit in the fourth quarter of 2011 from HTC is 26 percent lower than the profit in the fourth quarter of 2010, as was announced recently. HTC rumored to adopt a number of quad-core devices to bring the Taiwanese brand back on top in the smartphone market.

Source: Focustaiwan.tw
