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CES 2009: Palm announces two new mobile phones

Palm has good and bad news. The good news is the fact that the company is bringing us two new mobile phones after a difficult and rough periode. Among these two is the revolutionary Pre. The bad news is that these devices are probably not coming to E

At least, that is what we think because they are exclusively for the Sprint and the EV-DO network, and we do not have that over here. So, what is so exclusive? The Palm Treo 800w and the Palm Pre, the device that got a lot of attention at the CES in Las Vegas. The iPhone look-a-like device does have a full keyboard, and...the battery can be replaced by yourself!

CES 2009: Palm kondigt twee nieuwe telefoons aan
Palm Pre

Palm chooses user experience above specifications. And they are right to do so, but fortunately the device is besides user friendly also pretty quick. At least, when we believe all the good stuff being said about the phone by many bloggers present at the official announcement in Las Vegas.

The Palm Pre in short; 3.1 inch 320 x 480 pixels multi-touchscreen, trackball navigation, full QWERTY keyboard, auto-rotate, WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth A2DP, 3 megapixel camera including flash, 8GB internal memory, microUSB connection, 3.5mm audio jack. Are you still here? And all of this is working under the new Palm webOS operating system.

Wireless charging
Moreover, the Palm Preo can be recharged through a wireless charger, through induction. Recharging is easy because you just put the Pre on the recharger, that's all. People with a electric toothbrush know this mechanism probably. Great, so we don't need to use any plugs or what so ever.

Palm Treo 800w
The second device (the one we probably won't see soon) is the Treo 800w, the device Bill Gates showed accidentally during the CES last year on a slideshow. The device is one year old and is for the phone standard pretty old and 'antique'.

Palm kondigt twee nieuwe telefoons aan
Palm Treo 800w for Sprint customers

The Treo 800w is in comparison with the already available Treo Pro nothing more and nothing less. Yes, it is appropriate for the EV-DO network, but did they have to work on that for more than a year?
