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HTC G2 Android captured on camera?

We have seen some product sketches before, but now real images of the follower of the G1 got our attention. The HTC G2 Android is thinner and has a keyboard.

Do you remember the line-up of HTC last week? The Sapphire that is being shown on the image is the new Android device of the Taiwanese producer of smartphones. The device is probably meant for T-Mobile and Vodafone only.

Unlike the G1 the device does not have a full keyboard, but only has a large touchscreen. Moreover, the device has a 3.2 megapixel camera.

T-Mobile G2 Android gefotografeerd?T-Mobile G2 Android gefotografeerd?

We do not have more information concerning the features of the device, but we will keep track of the device.

Source: Gizmodo


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