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CES 2010: LG explores the world between MID and phones with GW990

When we encounter odd-shaped devices 0 out of 10 times they are LG. As this time with images of the LG GW990; a cross-over between an MID and phone using the Moblin platform.

Whether the LG GW990 is easy to fit in a pocket is questionable. The screen is a ridiculous 4.8 inches wide! This makes the GW990 more of an MID than a phone, but you CAN use it for calling.

LG GW990
LG GW990

What is clever is that with this large and wide screen it is possible to show up to 3 applications next to each other. Comparable to what LG has done with the BL40 Chocolate Touch and of which as of today we have review available.

Next to the large touchscreen with 1020x480 pixel resolution, the LG GW990 has a 5 megapixel camera, WiFi connections, GPS with A-GPS support and a large 1850 mAh battery.


The device uses the Moblin platform and is driven by Intel Moorestown processor. This processor will become a competitor for the Qualcomm's Snapdragon processor, but will have to prove itself first.

The LG GW990 will be launched in the second half of 2010. Whether Holland will be one of the countries where it will be launched is not yet known.
