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CES 2010: Palm announces the renewed Pre and Pixi

During her keynote at the yearly CES, Palm announced a new version of the Pre and Pixi. As it seems a renewed version of the webOS operating system is on its way. Which innovations? Here's a list.

Both the Pixi and the Pre, not available in the Netherlands by the way, were updated; The Pre Plus and Pixi Plus. Not shocking however. The differences are minimal, especially on the looks front. The Pre Plus got a memory duplication and the physical operating key has been removed. The back of the Pre Plus is nu ready the Palm's Touchstone induction-loader.

Palm Pre Plus
Palm Pre Plus

The Pixi Plus did get WiFi and that's all. Further changes we did not find. Why would anyone buy a Pre or a Pixi Plus? That is where the new version 1.4 of webOS, comes in.

Palm Pixi Plus
Palm Pixi Plus

As is the webOS 1.4 gets support for complete game support. The pillars of webOS lean on the internet standards. The problem is that games, also being visually attractive, are impossible to create dealing with the current standards. This makes that more direct contact with the underlying hardware is necessary. Something that until today was missing within webOS. Until now! Thanks to the Development Plug-on Kit (PDK) with which developers can create C and C++ plugins fo their applications.

Palm Pre Games
Games op de Palm Pre

What does all this mean? This means 3D games as The Sims 3, Need For Speed Undercover, Asphalt 5 and X-Plane. And the quality is comparable to that of the iPhone. This possibility will only be available to the Pre and the new Pre Plus. The Pixi will have to do wothout the 3D games.

Flash, Video recording and Tethering

The Pre and the Plus will soon get Flash support for the browser. The new Flash 10 beta to be exact.

Also new is the possibility to record video's. This new functionality is also available for the Pixi. More so, all webOS devices get this possibility. The interface Palm coupled to the videoplayer very much resembles the way Apple did with iPhone. This way it is possible to shoot video's and upload to Youtube, Facebook or to send via MMS of e-mail.

Palm will also equip the webOS devices with modem functionality. You will be able to connect 5 devices to internet through Mobile Hotspot App. Operator however don't like this WiFi router-functionality but let's be honest, how much longer can they stop this? We are happy that Palm is helping us.

Voorlopig nog niet in Nederland

For now the Netherlands are not in Palm's picture to release the webOS devices. France will however get the new Pre and Pixi. We may have to get them from France in the future.
