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White version of Galaxy Nexus upcoming

Google and Samsung are about to come with a white version of the Galaxy Nexus, the first phone that runs Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. The specs are similar to the dark version of this phone.

The Galaxy Nexus was presented in October by Google and Samsung. The smartphone has a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor, and features a large screen of 4.65 inches. Unlike previous smartphones with Android, the Galaxy Nexus doesnn’t have physical buttons on the front. Instead, the controls are now part of the operating system.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus wit

The white version of this phone will probably come to the UK first. Sources state an early February launch date. Whether and when the white Galaxy Nexus will be available in of the world, at the time is unknown at the moment yet. If your country has gotten the white Galaxy S II, you can have some hope the white Galaxy Nexus comes over as well.

Source: Fonearena.com
