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Samsung will soon come with new 8 megapixel slider

Samsung is busy working on a 8 megapixel follower of the Soul slider. The Samsung S8300 also has a touchscreen.

Samsung is probably aiming at a new sell success in 2009 with the device. We can therefore probably expect the announcement in the first quarter of this year.

Samsung komt spoedig met nieuwe 8 megapixel sliderSamsung komt spoedig met nieuwe 8 megapixel slider

Samsung is as a producer the best in developing slim sliders. The S8300 is no exception; with its 12,8 mm the S8300 is very slim. The device has a 8 megapixel CCD sensor that also has autofocus. Pictures are being shown at a 2.8 inch WQVGA AMOLED touchscreen display. WQVGA means a very descent resolution of 400 x 272 pixels.

Samsung komt spoedig met nieuwe 8 megapixel slider

Other features are probably integrated GPS receiver, HSDPA support, FM radio receiver with RDS and of course bluetooth.

Besides the necessary hardware the Samsung S8300 also has a widget control. We saw this widget also on the TouchWiz and Omnia.

Source: Daily Mobile
