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"Samsung Galaxy II HD coming to Europe"

The Samsung Galaxy S II HD seems to be coming to Europe. A British seller of mobile phones has put it online, which so far was only for sale in Korea. The S II HD has impressive specs.

The specifications of the Galaxy S II HD are similar to those of the Galaxy Nexus. Like that phone, the HD version of the blockbuster from Samsung has a 4.65 inch display with a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels. The S II HD has a 1.5 GHz processor, which is faster than the S II. The battery has a higher capacity as well.

Galaxy S II HD

Samsung released versions of the Galaxy S II worldwide. Especially in the United States, it rained variants, sometimes exclusively at one of the operators in the country.The S II HD was not available there, but there are rumors that in addition to Europe, the U.S. will get this phone. In October, the unit surfaced at the FCC.

Source: Android.modaco.com
