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CES 2009: Samsung announces mobile projector accessory

We often bring you news about new applications, features or accessories for mobile phones, like the built-in projector. Samsung is announcing a single mobile projector as accessory for your mobile phone.

Why should you use a large beamer to show videos to your friends? Isn't it annoying to stare to a very small display at your high-end phone? Well, from now on this is history: you can see your videos and pictures enlarged on everything you want thanks to the Samsung MBP200 mobile projector.

Samsung kondigt mobiele projector accessoire aan
Samsung MBP200 Mobile Projector

The MBP200 is using the same technique as we saw earlier at the DLP Pico. You can project images or videos to a size of a A4 paper till images that are more than a meter. The machine has a 2.2 inch QVGA display and can cope with MicroSDHC memory cards that can handle a maximum of 16 GB. A 3.5 mm audio jack isn't missing. Moreover, besides pictures and videos you can also project PDF and Office files, so the MPB200 also becomes very interesting for the business users.

The Samsung MBP200 will be availabe later this year. Prises are still unknown.
