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Samsung Galaxy S24, S24+ and S24 Ultra available early in the Netherlands

S24 series hits stores week earlier than reported

Sister site NieuweMobiel.NL discovered that the S24, S24+, and S24 Ultra are already available in the Netherlands. Originally the series would not be released until January 31, now it appears to be available a week earlier. Those who order now can have an S24, S24+, or S24 Ultra in their home tomorrow.

NieuweMobiel.NL noticed something during their daily browsing ; the Samsung Galaxy S24, S24+ and the S24 Ultra are available at several Dutch webshops. This means it's not a mistake, but Samsung is ahead of schedule with their logistics. Those who can't wait for the model can already place an order now and have a copy in their home tomorrow.

Samsung Galaxy S24 available at Dutch webshops
Galaxy S24 is already in stock at several Dutch webshops

These include the Samsung Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24+ and the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Whichever model you prefer, they are available a week earlier than reported. So your old cell phone can go out the door now if you want, and that's good news because today is International Mobile Phone Recycling Day—an event held every year on Jan. 24.

Galaxy S24 prices

Those looking for a new mobile and looking forward to an S24 model can choose between the following configurations with corresponding prices:

  • Galaxy S24 128 GB : €898
  • Galaxy S24 256 GB : €957 (until January 30, €60 cashback)
  • Galaxy S24+ 256 GB : €1,149
  • Galaxy S24+ 512 GB : €1,269 (until January 30, €120 cashback)
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra 256 GB : €1,449
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra 512 GB : €1,569 (until January 30, €120 cashback)
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra 1 TB : €1,809 (until January 30, €240 cashback)

Galaxy S24 colours

Available colours for the Galaxy S24 and S24+ are Amber Yellow, Marble Grey, Cobalt Violet and Onyx Black. The exclusive colour options Sapphire Blue, Jade Green, and Sandstone Orange are only available from Samsung.

As for the Galaxy S24 Ultra, the colour palette consists of Titanium Yellow, Titanium Grey, Titanium Violet, and Titanium Black. Samsung itself still carries Titanium Blue, Green, and Orange.
