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Yet another milestone: 400,000 apps in the Android Market

The Android Market continues to grow steadily. Googles application market currently contains 400,000 apps. At the beginning of 2011 there were just over 200,000 apps in the Android Market.

he growth of 300,000 to 400,000 applications lasted only two months, allowing Android to step faster than iOS some time ago. The Apple App Store remains the largest application market. The App Store features 450.00 apps for the iPhone and 150,000 applications for the iPad . Different than Google with Android, Apple is testing new software first before it is released to the public.

Android Market

The Android Market is checked afterwards. This is the main reason the application market of Google contains some malware now and then. The low threshold of the Android Market enables it to grow faster than the competition. In terms of earnings for developers, Android is still lagging behind. Recent reports showed that an average iPhone app earns four times more than an average Android app.

Source: Distimo.com
