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Are these vague images of the new HTC Supersonic?

This is remarkable. How come people make bad pictures of non-official phones? Does everyone walk around with a VGA camera? Anyway, this time vague images of the new HTC Supersonic with Android.

At least, this is what we think we are looking at. The Supersonic lappears to be made exclusively for the American Sprint operator and looks like an HD2 but with Android and WiMAX support.

HTC Supersonic

The driving fource behind this 4.3 inch big AMOLED touchscreen-phone is Android, versie 2.1. This device gets a fast 1 GHz Snapdragon processor, a 5 megapixel camera, an FM radio receiver and a battery cover with kickstand.

HTC Supersonic

Anyway, as these are only rumours and all is not yet official you may in the meantime expect more clues.

Source: Androidmobileos.com
