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Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation

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Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation
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Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation
Apple AirPods 4 with active noise cancellation bianco case copertina frontale
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Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation

Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation

Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation ordinazione all'estero

Bandiera del paese NLPaesi Bassi
€ 183,95 Vedi

Belangrijkste functies Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation

Modalità di trasporto

  • Modalità di indossaggio delle cuffie: Tappo per le orecchie


  • Processore: Apple H2
  • Tipo di cuscino auricolare: Auricolare


  • Custodia resistente alla polvere e all'acqua:


  • Cancellazione del rumore:


  • Batteria:

Recensioni sulle Apple AirPods 4 Active Noise Cancellation

Iedere maand weer verloten we een waardebon van € 50 onder alle inzenders van een ervaring. Het enige wat je hoeft te doen is laten weten wat je van dit product vindt. Klik op de knop hierboven om te beginnen.