Blogwars about Nokia and Symbian
Nokia is the best smartphone brand, with the largest marketshare and the the best strategy concerning mobile operating systems. That is the opinion of Tomi Ahonen, a consultant who used to work for Nokia.
Ahonen can hardly be blamed for a fair and balanced view. He seems to be blind for the fact that his former employer is running back on other smartphone manufacturers. De praise and honour for Nokia triggers reply, as could be predicted. Robert Scoble, a well-known blogger, replies that "Nokia is doomed". Clear words.
Future of the smartphone market
Both gentleman, and Ahonen most of them, take all the words they need to explain their vision. If you have some spare time, and are interested in the future of the smartphone market, the articles are worth reading. The writers have secured their positions as important visionairs of years, and make you reflect on your own vision on Symbian and Nokia.
- Blog van Ahonen
- Reactie van Scoble
- Ahonen reageert