Numbers don't lie: Android increases marketshare
Android is quickly conquering the smartphonemarket, as is shown in the latest market survey done by Gartner. While Android grows its share, iPhone, BlackBerry and Symbian are loosing it.
To be honest, in absolute numbers, iOS, BlackBerry and Symbian are running on more newly sold devices that in the third quarter last year, but that's an easy thing to do in a market that grows almost 100%. In Q3 2009, 40 million smartphones were sold worldwide, in the same quarter this year, 80 million new smartphones found an owner.
Android septuples
Android now is second in the marketshare ranking of smartphone operating systems, with a share of 25,5 percent. That's seven times as much as a year ago. The ranking is still headed by Symbian, with 36,6 percent. It's marketshare dropped from 44.6 percent last year. iOS lost 0.4 percent, Blackberry dropped 5.9 percent of its marketshare.