“Steve Jobs on stage at presentation of iPhone 5”
According to Reuters, Steve Jobs will tomorrow, during the launch of the new iPhone, beappearing on stage. He would do so to assure shareholders that he still got a role at Apple.
Analysts say it is good for the confidence of shareholders if Steve Jobs shows he remains involved in the development of new Apple productse. Jobs is the man that turned Apple from a computer manufacturer with bad foresights into the the company with the highest marketvalue in the world. He was closely involved in the development of the iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad.

Not only shareholders will be happy with a performance of Jobs. Apple fans worldwide would love to see their idol-tech on the scene. The question is whether Jobs health permits an active participation in the presentation. Jobs stopped in August with his role as CEO because he has health problems. What Jobs’ health issues are is not known. It is known that he repeatedly overcame cancer. It is whispered that the disease came back.
Source: Finance.yahoo.com