BlackBerry Storm3 specifications leaked
BlackBerry will bring out a new touchscreen smartphone in the Storm series, as is demonstrated by a slide that was shown at a training for salesmen. The Storm3 will come with the new operating system Blackberry 6
Except the new operating system, there are a few other changes is comparison with the Storm2. Memory has doubled up to 512 Mb, the camera is upgraded to 5 Megapixel and the wireless network interface now supports 802.11n.

Available at the end of this year
On the pricture that show the slide with information about the Storm 3, the head of another visitor of the trainig is just in front of the line that shows the release date of the new handset. What can be read, is that the phone will hit the market in a month that ends with the letters 'ember'. The smartphone will thus be available in the last months of this year.