Huawei: Even after boycott do not go back to Google.
For some time now, Huawei smartphones are no longer allowed to use Google Services. As a result, Google apps are missing and there is no possibility to download apps from the Play Store. In the meantime Huawei has come up with its own alternatives and is happy with them.
The American boycott was postponed several times but is now in force. Huawei's phones still run Android but they can't use the so-called Google Services. That's clumsy but not unworkable. Especially because Huawei has built its own alternative. There is a dedicated App Store and alternatives to popular Google apps such as Maps and Gmail.

Although Huawei announced its own operating system, Harmony OS, it prefers to use the tried and tested Android for its smartphones. By building an own clone of Google Services called HMS, an excellent workable alternative has been created. Consumers also seem to make little difference; Huawei's sales increased in 2019. Huawei now says to a German newspaper also not to return to Google if the boycott is lifted. Simply because it doesn't need Google anymore.
Huawei Mobile Services
And with that, the boycott has achieved the opposite effect, something Google already warned about. By keeping Huawei inboard the Americans could still exercise control, now that is no longer possible. Huawei has reserves and is currently pumping them into HMS. If other manufacturers exchange Google Mobile Services for HMS, this threatens the dominance of the American company Google. And considering how quickly and easily a boycott was imposed, other manufacturers will be eager to find an alternative.
The yet to be announced Huawei P40 will be the first Huawei to be delivered with HMS in Europe. Huawei already announced that the future flagship will be for sale in the Netherlands. And fair is fair; having a third superpower besides Apple and Samsung is very welcome as far as we are concerned.