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Black Friday deals

Looking for Black Friday deals? Here you can find all mobile phones with big discounts especially for Black Friday. Take advantage of high discounts, without having to search long for the best deal. If you want a discounted phone with a one-time competitive price then this is the start of your search. Read more

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Friday the 27th of November 2020 it's time again: Black Friday. This phenomenon, which has blown over from America, is starting to get a foothold here as well. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and is traditionally used to exchange unwanted gifts. Shopkeepers then often stunt with prices to attract even more customers who by that time start their Christmas shopping.

History of Black Friday

The origin of Black Friday, or Black Friday, is not entirely known. The fact is that it has its origin in America. The term Black Friday, or any other random black day, is often given to a traffic jam, stock market crash or disaster. Presumably Black Friday as we know it once started with a big traffic jam the day after Thanksgiving Day. That is a day off for Americans and therefore an ideal day for Christmas shopping.

There are also some myths about the origin of the name. There's the rumor that shops don't get out of business until after Thanksgiving and thus write black figures. But that's not true.

Cyber Monday

Next to Black Friday we see another phenomenon; Cyber Monday. Where Black Friday is more for physical electronics stores, Cyber Monday is especially meant for webshops. The term first surfaced in 2005 and is becoming more and more popular. Cyber Monday in the Netherlands takes place on Monday 30 November.
