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Background article 5: Do you blog? No, this is the way to do it!

You can make better pictures with your mobile phone then you think and share them with your friends and family via the easy way of blogging. NewMobile explains what blogging is and offers options to blog your own pictures.

In the current time a lot of mobile users do not see the wood for the trees when it comes to new functionalities and services introduced by providers and manufacturers. One of these services is called blogging or mobile blogging.

To explain what blogging is, we will start at a certain beginning. Current mobile users with a certain awareness about their product have for instance a mobile phone with camera and exchange pictures and videos. Those people are looking for places where they can place their experiences, pictures and videos. Examples on the Internet are websites like: Google Video Blogspot, Blogger.com, YouTube.com and Flickr.com.

Several users have heard these names before or even use the services of these websites. The websites give a space to your pictures, videos and any data you want to share. Other people will have the opportunity to check out these files and react to them.

The way of exchanging certain data and expressing your daily business, also called blogging, is a new experience in our daily life. For instance more and more people blog some notes and pictures during their holidays to let the home front know how their trip is. Well-known people leave blogs about their daily life and talk to fans.

What does this have to do with mobile phones? A lot of users use something that can act as an entrance into these websites. Mobile phones such as the new Sony Ericsson K800i and Nokia N73 offer the possibility to blog pictures directly to a website such as Flickr.com. It is quite easy to do this and offers users a way to show their dialling experiences to their friends and family at any moment of the day.

To show everybody how blogging is conducted on a mobile phone, we made a complete explanation using the new Nokia N73 and the website Flickr.com which the standard blog website inside the device.

The first stap is off course making a picture of a special happening, moment or just an instance you want to share with your friends and family. After the picture is made there is the option of sending it to a website or blog. In this case Flickr.com.

You should have an a special account on the website Flickr.com where you can leave your pictures. This account should be installed on your mobile phone and the Flickr website before you start uploading the pictures. On the website you will find an easy setup for your own mobile phone.

Choose the special menu option webupload on the N73 to upload one or more pictures to the website. Simply adding multiple pictures and sending them is not difficult. People should notice that they use their own GPRS, EDGE or UMTS connection while sending the pictures. A special and cheap Internet package supported by your service provider is recommended. Especially in foreign countries and during holidays prices can be quite high between the 10 to 20 Euros per picture.

After the pictures have been uploaded to the Flickr.com website, you can check out your own account and all your uploaded pictures. Other persons, family or friends have also access to your own online photo album at any instance.

An example of such a photo album is made by Peter de Ruiter travel photographer and writer of a Dutch book explaining you all the tactics needed while shooting pictures with your mobile phone. Peter keeps a daily blog with pictures containing his daily business. This is the best available example that shows that you can make better pictures with a mobile phone than you ever would have expected.

Peter de Ruiter used the N73 while blogging at the Flickr.com website and this is his opinion about the new Nokia device:

Shooting a picture and blogging with the N73 is just something anyone can do within one minute. Directly after you made the picture you get the option to send it via Send > Web upload to the website of Flickr.com. You should have made your account before via your mobile phone. But it is quite easy to do that! Sending pictures via Send > Web upload is not possible with other websties, but then you should take Send > Multimedia and send your picture to any mail address or phone number. For instance Blogger.com or Aroundtheglobe.nl which offer an upload via a mail address.

Using Web upload or Multimedia via MMS will put your picture on Flickr. However there is a drawback The textlines are will be your main subject and note in the margin. Do you want to have a difference between the two then you should send your pictures via mail on your N73. That will lead into some extra settings in your N73, but it can be much cheaper. Check out my own blog where I leave my latest pictures.

When you have the need to start blogging and you have a mobile phone with camera then surf to the following websites Flickr.com en Blogger.com , setup your device and start blogging your daily life.

You do not have a mobile phone with camera? Then check out the Nokia N73. The device offers direct access to the Flickr.com website. You can start blogging quite easily. The same counts for the new Sony Ericsson K800i currently the mobile phone with the best onboard camera.

Read also our camera comparison review between the Sony Ericsson K800i, Nokia N73, Nokia N93 en LG KG920 when you are interested in the best camera mobile phones currently on the market.
