Mobile browser Opera Mini 4.2 beta introduced.
Opera has introduced a new beta for her popular browser for the mobile phone, Opera Mini. Version 4.2 beta promises more speed and can be personalized easily.
New in Opera Mini 4.2 Beta is the re-introduction of so-called skins. Version 3 had them as well, but in the first version 4 they disappeared again. You can chose for different themes.

Opera also opened a serverpark in the United States with which the users on the other side of the water can use the internet quicker. But we will also benefit of it, thanks to the better spread of load that improves the general achievements.
Besides that, Opera is also working to offer video content. A large amount of Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones suppose to already offer the watch of videos of
The newest beta can be downloaded for free from the Opera Mini beta website.