IFA 2008: Real life pictures of the HTC S740
Today NewMobile is reporting from the IFA fair in Berlin, Germany. We found the new HTC S740, that was announced several days ago, and got a chance to test the device.
The one thing you notice immediately about the design is the fact that the numeric keys aren't as shining as the press photos are suggesting. And that's good news for people with dirty fingers; the device stays clean for quite a while!

The phone is equipped with a full QWERTY keyboard that can be slide out, made of almost the same material as the numeric keys. The keyboard is comparable with the keyboard from the Touch Pro although the S740 device is considerable thinner than its touchscreen-brother.

When you slide out the keyboard, the display is automatically changing from portrait to landschape mode. The device doesn't seem to have auto-rotate through motion sensor.

The back of the device has a Diamond-style look. Unfortunately, the back isn't made out of the same material as the front; in a short period of time the back of the device is full with stripes and fingerprints. Even when you handle it with care and wash you're hands ten times a day, it's still pointless.

Unfortunately the device hasn't got an active SIM card and according to HTC the device was not yet running a product-ready version of Windows Mobile. It's therefore very difficult to say something significant about the functioning of the device. We therefore end with some pictures from the top and bottom of the mobile phone. Especially the last one shows how thin the device is!