MWC 2008: Exclusive Android preview had the possibility on the Mobile World Congres in Barcelona to test the new operating system from Google, named Android. It's time that we give you our findings.
Supposedly, a prototype with the Android OS would to be shown on the Mobile World Congres in Barcelona, we only had to find out were. We found it and got the exclusive chance to test the prototype.

Our prototype had the following buttons: home, go-back, options and favorites.
First it seemed that the Android OS had very little functionality. But this wasn't true. The OS is very extensive and by the use of a well thought menu structure it's even very clear and user friendly. And it has a great look!
Start screen
This experience starts at the start screen. This seems very empty, but therefore also very clear. The menu is shown on the buttom of the screen by some icones that are representing applications. Our prototype had the following: applications, contacts, messages, internet, Gmail, maps and agenda. All basic inormation about the mobile phone, like the battery status, is shown on the top of the screen.
We took some pictures of the applications. An impression:

Not yet finished
The following pictures show that Google has some work to do. We got a error when we were opening a file. But ok, the phone didn't take more than one minute to restart. So, what error?

We said goodbye to the Android prototype with a strange feeling. Without being sentimel, we understood we had a piece of the future in our hands. We were impressed by the quick respons and the design of Android. The systems seems simpel, almost TO simpel. But it is thought through well when implemented to not overload the user with options.
Android will probably experience some difficulties. Only his looks are not enough when being not the only one that wants to gain some influence. Apple has Mac OS and this competitor didn't come to mind when lancing Android by Google. Especially Microsoft's Windows Mobile has to be seen as a competitor. But several adjustments are available, applications that are not working with Android. So Android still has a long way to go. Meanwhile, we'll just keep following it!