Specs HTC Ville C leaked
That HTC is working on new smartphones will not surprise you. As a smartphone manufacturer, the company is constantly designing new devices. Now, the specifications of the HTC Ville C have been leaked.
The device has a 4.3 inch screen and runs on a processor from Qualcomm, the Snapdragon S3. According to the leaked sheet, it runs at 1.7 GHz, although Brief Mobile the site that leaked the sheet, says it is a typo, and the unit is running at 1.2 GHz. The screen of the new smartphone from HTC has a qHD resolution, which has 960 x 540 pixels.

The phone features a new, unreleased version of HTC Sense, 4.5. The version supplied on the current devices from HTC is 4.0. With an 8 megapixel camera and 1 GB RAM, the new device comes to specifications closest to the HTC One S , which recently came out.
Bron: Briefmobile.com